package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * This entity resolver uses a catalog as defined by SGML Open Technical * Resolution TR9401:1997. Only PUBLIC and SYSTEM statements are supported at * this time. Relative URLs are resolved using the catalog URL as the base URL. * @author Werner Donn\u00e9 */ public class CatalogResolver implements EntityResolver, XMLResolver { // Alphabet. final static int SINGLE_QUOTE = 0; final static int DOUBLE_QUOTE = 1; final static int OTHER = 2; final static int SPACE = 3; final static int WHITE = 4; final static int EOF = 5; // States. final static int TYP = 0; final static int SQ1 = 1; final static int DQ1 = 2; final static int ID1 = 3; final static int SQ2 = 4; final static int DQ2 = 5; final static int ERR = 6; final static int[][][] FSM = { {{SQ1, 1}, {DQ1, 1}, {TYP, 0}, {TYP, 0}, {TYP, 0}, {TYP, 0}}, // TYP {{ID1, 1}, {SQ1, 0}, {SQ1, 0}, {SQ1, 0}, {ERR, 0}, {ERR, 0}}, // SQ1 {{DQ1, 0}, {ID1, 1}, {DQ1, 0}, {DQ1, 0}, {ERR, 0}, {ERR, 0}}, // DQ1 {{SQ2, 1}, {DQ2, 1}, {ERR, 0}, {ID1, 0}, {ID1, 0}, {ERR, 0}}, // ID1 {{TYP, 1}, {SQ2, 0}, {SQ2, 0}, {SQ2, 0}, {ERR, 0}, {ERR, 0}}, // SQ2 {{DQ2, 0}, {TYP, 1}, {DQ2, 0}, {DQ2, 0}, {ERR, 0}, {ERR, 0}} // DQ2 }; private String catalogSystemId; private Map publicIdentifiers = new HashMap(); private Map systemIdentifiers = new HashMap(); public CatalogResolver(URL catalogUrl) throws IOException { this(catalogUrl.toString(), null); } public CatalogResolver(String catalogSystemId) throws IOException { this(catalogSystemId, null); } public CatalogResolver(URL catalogUrl, InputStream in) throws IOException { this(catalogUrl.toString(), in); } public CatalogResolver(String catalogSystemId, InputStream in) throws IOException { this.catalogSystemId = catalogSystemId; load ( in != null ? in : ( ? new URL(catalogSystemId).openStream() : new FileInputStream(catalogSystemId) ) ); } private static int category(int c) { return c == '\'' ? SINGLE_QUOTE : ( c == '\"' ? DOUBLE_QUOTE : ( c == ' ' ? SPACE : ( c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' ? WHITE : OTHER ) ) ); } private static void error(int in, int line) throws IOException { if (in == EOF) { throw new IOException ( "Line " + String.valueOf(line) + ": premature end of file" ); } if (in == WHITE) { throw new IOException ( "Line " + String.valueOf(line) + ": \\t, \\n and \\r are not allowed in an identifier" ); } if (in == OTHER) { throw new IOException ( "Line " + String.valueOf(line) + ": white space expected" ); } } /** * Returns a map from the public identifiers to the resolved URLs. */ public Map getPublicIdentifierMappings() { return publicIdentifiers; } /** * Returns a map from the public identifiers to the resolved URLs. */ public Map getSystemIdentifierMappings() { return systemIdentifiers; } private static String getTypeToken(char[] c, int off, int len, int line) throws IOException { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(new String(c, off, len), " \t\n\r"); if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new IOException ( "Line " + String.valueOf(line) + ": PUBLIC or SYSTEM expected" ); } String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (!token.equals("PUBLIC") && !token.equals("SYSTEM")) { throw new IOException ( "Line " + String.valueOf(line) + ": PUBLIC or SYSTEM expected" ); } return token; } private void load(InputStream in) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); StreamConnector.copy(in, out); char[] c = new String(out.toByteArray(), "ASCII").toCharArray(); String from = null; int line = 1; int position = 0; int state = TYP; String type = null; for (int i = 0; i < c.length; ++i) { int[] next = FSM[state][category(c[i])]; if (next[0] == ERR) { error(category(c[i]), line); } if (next[1] == 1) { Map map; switch (state) { case TYP: type = getTypeToken(c, position, i - position, line); break; case SQ1: case DQ1: from = new String(c, position, i - position); break; case SQ2: case DQ2: map = type.equals("PUBLIC") ? publicIdentifiers : systemIdentifiers; map.put ( from, resolveSystemId ( catalogSystemId, new String(c, position, i - position) ) ); break; } position = i + 1; } state = next[0]; if (c[i] == '\n') { ++line; } } if (FSM[state][EOF][0] == ERR) { error(EOF, line); } } public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws IOException, SAXException { return publicId != null && publicIdentifiers.get(publicId) != null ? new InputSource(publicIdentifiers.get(publicId).toString()) : ( systemId != null && systemIdentifiers.get(systemId) != null ? new InputSource(systemIdentifiers.get(systemId).toString()) : null ); } public Object resolveEntity ( String publicId, String systemId, String baseURI, String namespace ) throws XMLStreamException { try { return new StreamSource ( publicId != null && publicIdentifiers.get(publicId) != null ? publicIdentifiers.get(publicId).toString() : ( systemId != null && systemIdentifiers.get(systemId) != null ? systemIdentifiers.get(systemId).toString() : ( baseURI != null && systemId != null ? resolveSystemId(baseURI, systemId) : null ) ) ); } catch (IOException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } } private static String resolveSystemId(String baseURI, String systemId) throws IOException { return ? new URL(new URL(baseURI), systemId).toString() : ( systemId.charAt(0) == '/' ? systemId : ( baseURI.charAt(baseURI.length() - 1) == '/' ? (baseURI + systemId) : (baseURI.substring(0, baseURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + systemId) ) ); } } // CatalogResolver